My #100DaysOfCode Journey

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

My #100DaysOfCode Journey


2 min read

Deciding to document my progress and join in the #100DaysOfCode challenge was a tough one but one of the best decisions I made this year. I had to commit at least one hour or two to code every day. It was toughhhh😁. The context is simple, document your works or projects in your Journal, Github, or your social media accounts. I do see this challenge on Twitter but really didn’t think it was for me. The idea of publicly announcing my progress to everyone was nerve-racking and I felt it'll be mentally exhausting.

Although I started coding a month before I started the challenge, I had little motivation to keep going.

Getting comfortable with critiques

I needed the pressure to be accountable. I could’ve done it on my own but I knew I wouldn’t be consistent about it.

Imagine more than 20 people waiting for you to post every day. At a point, people started calling to ask why I haven’t posted once it’s 8pm especially people like Dabbang, Zeus , Pendragon , Balqees, Foxy. & Manlykdharmee and some other tweeps.

Managing my Time

It was really hard because I had to find a way to balance my academics and coding and also balance house chores😂. Couldn’t create a specific time to code cos anything can happen at the time I slated. Power outage, data issues, and many others. I found a way to make coding an everyday habit tho which I’m happy about.

Being in the Developer’s Community

Being a part of this community makes me happy. I met lots of amazing humans, T-stark, kynsoficial, Rammy, Acetech, RashKobby, Tomsree, Ayo, Laurent, TechArtist, and many others. We share different resources and encourage ourselves to do better. Having a supportive community made everything pretty easier for me especially when it got overwhelming or when I get stuck.

My Projects

Here are some of the projects I worked on and deployed.

End Note

After the #100DaysOfCodeChallenge, I still code every day, It’s now a habit and my skills have improved also. The main point is starting, you just have to start, then stay consistent.

Connect with me on Twitter: @Fortwin and linkedIn : Basirat Hamzat.

Here's my Github: Fortwinhamz